Friday, March 28, 2014

Model Kits in QUEUE!


After building my first MG Mobile Suit RGZ-95 Rezel, more kits got dropped off my doorstep, courtesy of my wife and dad! :) I browsed through the kits and all except for the Texan kit seemed like a Master Grade kit equivalent. It's seriously intimidating to look through the boxes and see over 20 runners with probably more than 200 parts to assemble. I'm not sure if I can finish all these kits this year. My current pace in building is extremely slow to be honest. I mostly just work during weekends and not even the whole day. I'll try though as I hope to build a Perfect Grade kit next year.

I'm planning to alternate Gundam and aircraft. I've already started working on the Texan and I have had a lot of down times due to research and trial and errors on painting. I think alternating them will help me relax for a bit. The Gundams are snap fit kits so it's easier to redo some mistakes. I made some huge mistakes on the Texan including mistakenly gluing parts together the wrong way! I'll be more detailed on this on another post.

Anyways, the order I'm building these guys will be Texan, Astray Red Frame, DUKW 353, Gundam Deathscythe, Memphis Belle, (hopefully a Macross kit here) and then finally the F-14.

I'll try to do some work in progress posts but don't hope for it :) With the limited time I spend building kits, I'm probably not going to always want to stop and take pictures :(. I will however try :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A New Beginning!

I've always wanted to build model kits especially Sci-Fi kits since I was a kid. My dad used to build and fly a lot of RC Aircrafts in the 80s. He built them entirely too, from the ribs of the wing to wrapping the entire aircraft. I used to help him build it too. But I was always just an assistant. I just helped glue some parts together and my favorite part but never got to do it myself...ironing the wrap. I thought that was the most awesome part in building the plane, watching the wrap slowly shrink into a perfect fit each time the iron passed by!

Anyways fast forward, I never got into the hobby because I was a poor pilot (crashed a training glider!) and just looking the parts to assemble was just intimidating!model-airplane-balsa-kitmodel-airplane-kit-pitts

Just look at how many parts you needed to put together to make your planes back then! Repairs were horrifying too! Build it and then crash it on the weekend, just wasn't inviting to an 8-year old.

I stumbled into this hobby when I watched "Gundam Build Fighters". It reminded of how I loved building the airplanes with my dad. So on a weekend, I decided to buy a Gundam kit (just the Advance Grade) for my son :). We built it together and I really enjoyed it. Hopefully my son did too but he's 3 so everything is always exciting for him! Hehe!

2014-02-17 12.04.52-1
Our first mech kit! The AG G-Bouncer!

I built 2 more Gundam kits, one HG and the other a MG. I'll post more pics later!